Wednesday, February 25, 2009

tattoo ideas???

Advanced Bodyweight Programs

pull up / chin up routine

perform 5 reps of each pullup variation :

1. pull up shoulder width
2. pull up hands touching
3. chin up shoulder width
4. chin up hands touching
5. mixed grip
6. left / right pull ups
7. grip switching
8. clapping pullups
9. muscle ups
10. towel grip pull ups
11. one hand chin up
12. sternum chin up
13. kipping chin up
14. circular motion chin ups
15. upside down pullups

upper body bodyweight

1. standard pushups - 15
2. diamond pushups - 15
3. wide grip pushups - 15
4. hands in close pushups - 15
5. hands out wide pushups - 15
6. legs elevated pushups - 15
7. power over pushups - 15
8. T pushups - 15
9. hindu pushups - 15
10. handstand pushups - 15
11. standing trap pushups - 15
12. clapping pushups - max effort
13. isometric chest squeeze - 30 sec.
14. neck resistance (front, back, left, right) - 30 sec. each
15. neck curls (front, back) - 25 each
barrel roll pushup
triple clap pushups

lower body bodyweight

1. heavy bag squats - 20
2. heavy bag lunges - 20
3. heavy bag calf raises - 20
4. side lunges - 30
5. dragon walk - 30
6. sissy squats - 30
7. one legged squat (knee to ground) - 15 each leg
8. knee tuck jumps - 20
9. fire hydrant circles x 15 ea. leg
10. mountain climbers x 15 ea. leg (knee to outside of elbow)
11. groiners - 30
12. wideouts - 30
13. calf raises - 50
14. reverse calf raises - 50
15. wall sit - max effort
pistol squats
plyometric jumps


Muay Thai

Muay Thai Conditioning

Weighted Skipping Rope - 5 mins

include such variations as
- speed step
- criss cross
- double under
- side to side
- front to back

Full Body Stretch - 30 mins

complete a full body stretch, from head to toe, holding each peak muscle contraction for 10 seconds. focus on proper breathing techniques.

Footwork / Evasive Movement - 5 mins

focus on complex foot movements coupled with evasive movements such as slipping, weaving, and ducking. include lateral movement as well us tumbling as a defensive option. also, work on kip-ups and other various movements to get from the ground to a standing position.

Shadow Boxing - 30 mins

form both simple and complex combinations using these attacks :

body shots
downards elbows
upwards elbows
side elbows
reverse elbows
straight knees
side knees
flying knees
front kick
side kick
rear kick
round kick
jumping variations
tornado kick
evasive movement :

footwork patterns
forward tumbling
backward tumbling
side tumbling
dive and tumble
kip ups

Heavy Bag Work

You want to keep your guard and proper footwork throughout the ENTIRE exercise, and keep your jaw clenched.

Round 1: Jab and Pushkick (keeping the distance)

Minute 1: Focus on your foot movement and form. Throw the jab high to the head or mid to the body to keep the distance comfortable, while staying in guard and light on your feet. Keep it simple to warm up and get your fight going.

Minute 2: Now combine a good push kick with that jab. The push kick should come from your lead leg and strike to the stomache, chest, and rarely the head. Start to feel the difference between jabs and pushkicks, and what they can do for you. Practice the pushkick - jab combo, a good way to insure that the opponent either stays back, or gets combo'd up on after you hit the jab.

Minute 3: Continue the same as above, but really focus on your tactics and movements, mentally observing the movement of the bag so to understand the proper timing and positioning of the next attack.

Round 2&3: Cross and Roundkick - (Exchanging Blows at Mid-Distance)

Minute 1: Focus on a good cross to the head and body. while keeping your movement and guard. Throw it out there quick and hard, and bring it back to protect your head.

Minute 2: Now follow up the cross with a good roundkick. Switch up the crosses and kicks from head to body, just make sure you keep the form good.

Minute 3: Focus on ending the fight with these exchanges. Head cross as hard as you can, high kicks to the head, body kicks, low kicks etc. Just make sure your form is good.


Round 3: Knees

Minute 1: work on straight knees from the clinch, driving your force from the ground straight to the sharp point of your knee.

Minute 2: work on side knees from the clinch, driving your force from the ground, and using the torque from your hips rotational power to deliver knees to the side, aimed at the liver area of the body.

Minute 3: work on jumping and flying knees, using plyometric power of the legs to propel the sharp point of the knee through the air like a rocket. this will cause devastating knockout power.

Round 4: Elbows

Minute 1: focus on throwing the 3 variations of elbows from the clinch, making sure to connect with the sharp point of the elbow and not the forearm. drive the force from the crack of your hips. go full speed and full power, to develop the brute strength of an elbow attack.

Minute 2: Move laterally around, including evasive movements, using tactics to throw the best timed and positioned elbow attack choosing from any of the 3 variations to best suit the movement of the heavy bag

Minute 3: work on all variations of elbows, including mostly flying elbows. base your attacks on timing and tactics. full speed and full power making sure to keep closing the distance.

Round 5: Combinations

For the next 3 minutes I work on chaining together everything I did in the above 4 rounds. I work on every single variation I can, and full speed and power. It's really nerve-racking, but worth it. Muay Thai is based off of properly timed and well placed attacks, which often requires the attacker to keep the distance. i want you keep this in mind for this last round. -- keep the distance, until you can move inside.

Push Kick, Push Kick (getting the distance), Roundhouse Kick to body (you've found the distance), Cross to head (daze your opponent), step in for lead hook to body (you are in close), get the clinche and start a flurry of knees (you've got him), step back and push kick off of you (lets save our energy), jab to head (you wanna move in on me?), jab to body (you sure?), flying knee to head ...

BONUS ROUND - Power Kicking :

For the final round, work on throwing perfect technique with full power into these three devastating southpaw combinations. these are the punch/kick variations that must be imprinted into the muscle memory for their sheer effectiveness in the ring. these are proven combos that will confuse most orthodox fighters. focus on circling left, and using evasive movement. this round will remind you just how devastating the power of a southpaw can be, and the advantage he can bring to a fight.

1st minute, right jab, left front kick, right hip kick

2nd minute, right jab, left hook, right hip kick

3rd minute, right jab, left cross, left hip kick


ankle hops - 50
line jumps: forward/backward - 25
side to side - 25
tuck jumps - 50
run and jump - 10
burpee tornado kicks - 10


Boxing Conditioning

Weighted Skipping Rope - 10 mins

include such variations as
- speed step
- criss cross
- double under
- side to side
- front to back

Full Body Stretch - 30 mins

complete a full body stretch, from head to toe, holding each peak muscle contraction for 10 seconds. focus on proper breathing techniques.

Shadow Boxing - 30 mins

form both simple and complex combinations using these attacks :

body shots
downards elbows
upwards elbows
side elbows
reverse elbows
straight knees
side knees
flying knees
front kick
side kick
rear kick
round kick
jumping variations
tornado kick
evasive movement :

footwork patterns
forward tumbling
backward tumbling
side tumbling
dive and tumble
kip ups

Heavy Bag Work

You want to keep your guard and proper footwork throughout the ENTIRE exercise, and keep your jaw clenched.

Round 1: Jab work

1st minute, jabbing high. Keeping the chin tucked, and firing off the hip and shoulder, not just flicking, but getting a stiff pop. Paying specific attention to my legs. No tip toeing, no leaning. Occasionally including evasive movement as well to vary the angle.

2nd minute, jabbing to the body. Bending the knees to get low, NOT leaning over. Not leaning my head too far to the inside either, which would set me up for a nice over-hand counter.

3rd minute, jabbing high and doubling up. This is tough because your balance will be a little off at first from jabbing low for a whole minute. Same rules apply as minute 1, but this time what you have to be wary of is when you double up the jab, your form doesn't get sloppy on the second one. You'll notice your back hand will want to drop. DON'T do that.

Round 2: Cross work

1st minute, lead-cross high. Have to make sure you don't drop your lead-hand and that you pull back the cross and get back into stance quick enough. Any punch should be pulled back as fast as you fired it. Isolating this punch will also let you know if your wrist is strong.

2nd minute, lead-cross to the body. What a bizarre punch. But I noticed it's both fast and deceptive when I trained it up. the lunge you do when you cross allows you to step up and be in close, if you follow this punch up with a hook to the body with your lead-hand it's a very tricky combination, but combinations are for later. For now, just isolate the lead low-cross. However, again keep that lead hand in defensive position, this punch makes you alarmingly vulerable to a well-place uppercut. I would practice weaving in and out of it.

3rd minute, lead-cross high and doubling up. Who doubles up a cross? It's tricky because most people expect a follow-up of a cross to be anything but a cross. Also, for this make sure when you double it up you're not just punching off the shoulder alone. It's tough to get down and feel out the mechanics of it, but try it and you'll see what I mean.

Round 3: Lead-hook work.

1st minute, lead-hook high. I roll my shoulder into it when I throw it, as well as give my hips a good little pop. This also protects the chin pretty good if you keep it tucked behind that rolling shoulder. However, the hard thing to do is throw this punch fast enough that you don't telegraph it. So for the first minute do it as fast as you can with correct form, nevermind power.

2nd minute, lead-hook low. It's pretty near impossible to throw this punch without leaning in and being vulnerable to an uppercut. But I think it can be done. I keep my rear-hand tight when throwing hooks with the lead-hand and basically use the same mechanics as stated above, just that I bend my knees instead of leaning forward and exposing my face too much.

3rd minute: lead-hook high with power. Now we go back to the same thing as minute one, save for that now you throw a knockout punch. You're going to be tempted to stand up straight and expose your chin to breathe. Train yourself not to. How? Keep your knees bent and throw the hooks non-stop in bursts, stop, start again until the round is completely over.

Round 4: Rear hook work.

1st minute, high rear-hand hook. I keep my lead arm tight with the knuckles right at my cheekbones and elbow close to my ribs, twist hips, toes, knees, POW! Also be very careful, keep that chin tucked even when your shoulders rotate. Seems stupid because you won't be looking directly at your opponent, but if he times you and fires a straight punch, it'll catch your shoulder and not your chin if you keep your form right. This punch when you land it should sound like a shotgun blast.

2nd minute, rear-hook to the body. Don't stand up straight, don't lean forward (which will actually take power from your punch), just bend your knees to get lower. Plus you have to be cognizant of returning to stance quickly because the rear-hook leaves a Hell of a window of vulnerability in general. I actually will bring in my elbow immediately following the landing of the hook, so that both hands are in position, then turn my body back to it's original position, work on doing this very FAST.

3rd minute, double rear-hook high. I practice this specifically because if I land the left hook (I'm a Southpaw) I know at the very least I'll stun you. So it might take two to knock your ass out. Same mechanics as the 1st minute, now envision everything and everyone you hate and that this punch will end it all.

Round 5: Combinations

For the next 3 minutes I work on chaining together everything I did in the above 4 rounds. I work on every single variation I can, and full speed and power. It's really nerve-racking, but worth it. Here's some tips though that I myself use during this 3 minutes:

- make sure and move your feet after every punch combination.
- keep your hands up and chin tucked. You'll want nothing more than to not, resist.
- use evasive movement two or three times before every third combination.
- allow the bag to swing, don't stop it. Move laterally around it and try to catch the moving mass with solid punches.
- let the bag slam into you, providing an opening for inside work, then push it away with an elbow and move in for a devastating flurry of punches.
- keep your jaw clenched

BONUS ROUND - Power Punching :

For the final round, work on throwing perfect technique with full power into these three devastating southpaw combinations. these are the punch variations that must be imprinted into the muscle memory for their sheer effectiveness in the ring. these are proven combos that will confuse most orthodox fighters. focus on circling left, and using evasive movement. this round will remind you just how devastating the power of a southpaw can be, and the advantage he can bring to a fight.

1st minute, right jab, left cross, right hook

2nd minute, left cross, right hook, left cross

3rd minute, right hook, left cross, right hook

Plyometric Drills

handstand pushups - 10
plyometric clap pushups - 20
plyometric clap pullups - 20
chinese pushups - 10
handstand variations - max effort


1 min of each exercise maximum effort. 30 seconds of rest.

# Dragon Flag
# Bicycle Crunch
# Jackknives
# Ab Crunch on an Exercise Ball
# Reverse Crunch
# Cross-body Crunch
# Alternate Heel Touchers
# Oblique Crunches
# Russian Twists
# Front Plank / Side Plank

The Superfoods



★ apples
★ pears
★ oranges
★ grapefruit
★ lemons and limes
★ blueberries
★ cranberries
★ raspberries
★ strawberries
★ apricots
★ cherries
★ grapes
★ kiwifruit
★ bananas
★ melon
★ papayas
★ mangoes
★ pineapples
★ pomegranates
★ dates
★ figs
★ raisins
★ prunes


★ mushrooms
★ celery
★ radishes
★ watercress
★ avocados
★ peppers
★ tomatoes
★ pumpkin, squash
★ carrots
★ potatoes
★ sweet potatoes
★ rutabagas
★ turnips
★ beets
★ parsnips
★ Jerusalem artichokes
★ globe artichokes
★ onions
★ leeks
★ spinach
★ red cabbage
★ sauerkraut
★ Oriental greens
★ asparagus
★ broccoli


★ barley
★ brown rice
★ buckwheat
★ lentils
★ beans
★ millet
★ corn
★ oats
★ soybeans
★ wheat
★ pasta
★ bread


★ almonds
★ cashews
★ hazelnuts
★ pumpkin seeds
★ sesame seeds
★ sprouted seeds
★ sunflower seeds
★ walnuts
★ chestnuts
★ peanuts


★ milk
★ eggs
★ yogurt
★ butter
★ cheese


★ beef, lamb
★ liver
★ chicken
★ oily fish
★ mollusks
★ crustaceans


★ basil
★ mint
★ oregano
★ chives
★ sage
★ marjoram
★ parsley
★ rosemary
★ savory
★ fennel
★ tarragon
★ thyme
★ dill
★ dandelion
★ bay leaves
★ juniper
★ nutmeg
★ cinnamon
★ chili pepper
★ caraway
★ cloves
★ cumin
★ coriander
★ garlic
★ ginger
★ horseradish


★ brewer’s yeast
★ oils
★ honey
★ molasses
★ chocolate
★ beer
★ red wine
★ tea
★ coffee

Diet Outline

Breakfast - 10:00

1 cup of tea
1 protein shake - 1 scoop
1 large serving eggs product
1 medium serving fruit
1 animal pak
1 x factor cap
1 activate xtreme cap

Lunch - 12:00

1 large serving meat, fish or poultry product.
1 medium serving nuts and seeds
1 large serving vegetables or fruit
1 x factor cap
1 activate xtreme cap

Snack 1 - 2:00

1 protein bar

Pre-workout - 4:30

1 scoop sizeon (sip throughout workout)

--> WORKOUT - 5:00 <--

Post-workout - 6:00

1 weight gainer shake - 3 scoops
1 x factor cap
1 activate xtreme cap

Dinner - 6:30

1 large serving meat, fish or poultry product
1 medium serving grains or legumes product
1 large serving vegetables
- include a serving of healthy fats

Snack 2 - 9:00

1 medium serving seafood (canned fish)
1 medium serving vegetables or fruit
- include a serving of healthy fats

Bed time - 12:00

1 cup of tea
1 protein shake - 1 scoop
1 large serving dairy product
1 medium serving grains or legumes product
1 x factor cap
1 activate xtreme cap

drink at least 2 gallon of water a day